
Mr Adam Ismail Ebrahim
Adam Ismail Ebrahim has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Oasis Group of Companies since its inception in 1997. He has 38 years of investment experience, which includes over 23 years as a portfolio manager. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant CA (SA) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Mr Adam Ismail Ebrahim
Adam Ismail Ebrahim has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Oasis Group of Companies since its inception in 1997. He has 38 years of investment experience, which includes over 23 years as a portfolio manager. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant CA (SA) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Corporate Governance

To ensure that the affairs of the Oasis global Group of companies are conducted with the utmost integrity, it has to maintain high levels of corporate governance at all times.
The Oasis Global Group’s directors proactively take practical responsibility for the Group’s compliance arrangements. The Group believes that good governance is an essential factor to creating a successful business. To this end, Senior Management continues to set a strong culture of compliance within the Group and expects all personnel to act in utmost good faith, with honesty, integrity, and with skill, care and diligence in all activities related to the Group’s business. This is not just limited to the Group’s regulated activities but to all aspects of the Group’s business.
As the company operates in multiple jurisdictions, it adheres to the general principles on corporate governance of the region in which it operates. In addition, the firm maintains a minimum company-wide standard of compliance that is benchmarked against global best practices. Our corporate governance guidelines have been developed in accordance with industry global best practices including amongst others, the Cadbury Report, the South African King IV Code of Corporate Governance, the principles of good governance included in the CFA Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, and the Principles of Responsible Investing (PRI).
This ensures that extremely high standards of governance, accountability, responsibility and transparency are maintained at all times.
In terms of the construction of the Board of Directors, each individual is assigned a clearly defined role and there is also a clear distinction between the functions of Executive Directors and the independent Non-Executive Directors. These roles have been established to mitigate the business's exposure to risk and they ensure that the respective Directors are able to focus their attention on specific areas, which ensures that they are able to make well thought out recommendations to their fellow board members.
The board of directors of the regulated companies in the Group meets quarterly to discuss, amongst others, governance and compliance. This approach ensures that the directors proactively take practical responsibility for the compliance and governance arrangements.
Ultimately, the Group’s governance and culture is underpinned by the following core objectives:
acting honestly and fairly and with due skill, care and diligence at all times in its business activities;
establishing, implementing and maintaining appropriate policies and procedures including those for preventing malpractices that could affect the best interests of the Group’s clients and stakeholders;
conducting business activities in such a manner that is in the best interests of clients managed or advised by the Group and the integrity of the market;
treating the Group’s clients fairly.